Sexually Transmitted Infections Indicators for Vanuatu
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Congenital syphilis number of cases, reported, Prevalence of condom use by adults during higher-risk sex (15-49) (%), Population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%), Antenatal care attendees who were positive for syphilis (%), reported, Women accessing antenatal care (ANC) services who were tested for syphilis (%), reported, Antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment (%), reported, Congenital syphilis rate per 100 000 live births, reported, Incident rate of active syphilis (per 1000), Incident cases of active syphilis in 15-49 year olds (in thousands), Prevalence of active syphilis in 15-49 year olds (%), Prevalent cases of active syphilis (in thousands)