Child mortality Indicators for Sao Tome and Principe
Child mortality: Number of under-five deaths, Number of infant deaths, Number of neonatal deaths, Number of deaths among children ages 5 to 9 years, Number of deaths among adolescents (10 to 19 years of age), Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births), Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births), Adolescent mortality rate (per 1 000 age specific cohort), Number of deaths, Deaths per 1 000 live births, Distribution of causes of death among children aged < 5 years (%), Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births), Stillbirth rate (per 1000 total births), Mortality rate among children ages 5 to 9 years (per 1000 children aged 5)