Global Information System on Alcohol and...
Global Information System on Alcohol and Health: Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), by beverage type, Alcohol, drinkers only per capita (15+) consumption in litres of pure alcohol, three-year average, Alcohol, abstainers lifetime (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, abstainers past 12 months (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, consumers past 12 months (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, former drinkers (%), age-standardized, Annual revenues from alcohol excise tax in millions US$, Alcohol expenditure as a per cent of total household expenditure, Awareness activities, Alcohol, total per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) (SDG Indicator 3.5.2), three-year average, Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (15+) past 30 days (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Alcohol, average daily intake in grams among drinkers, three-year average, National guidelines for the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm in schools, National guidelines for alcohol problem prevention and counselling at workplaces, Server training, Legislation on alcohol testing at workplaces, Standard drink defined, National systems for monitoring alcohol consumption and harms, National surveys on adult alcohol consumption, National surveys on youth alcohol consumption, National system of epidemiological data collection for alcohol use, National system of data collection based on health service delivery, Report with epidemiological data on lcohol use and AUDs, Report with data from health services on alcohol use and AUDs, National organization for monitoring alcohol, Alcohol, totalĀ (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption, projections, Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Alcohol, tourist consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Average price 500 mls Beer in US$, Average price 750 mls Wine in US$, Average price 500 mls Spirits in US$