GRID3 Democratic Republic of the Congo Settlement Extents, Version 01.02

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  • This dataset updates: As needed
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: GRID3 - Settlement Extents
Additional information
Time Period of the Dataset [?]
April 04, 2022-February 15, 2025 ... More
Modified [?]
4 April 2022
Dataset Added on HDX [?]
4 April 2022 Less
Expected Update Frequency
As needed
Center for International Earth Science Information Network; Novel-T

Settlement extents and associated population estimates are derived from two primary input datasets: (1) building footprints and (2) population estimates. Both the settlements’ extents and classification are derived solely from Ecopia’s building footprints. Data analysis and processing were achieved entirely using Esri’s ArcGIS software (Pro version 2.7.3), it’s native module arcpy, and open source python library pandas 1.3.0.

The GRID3 Democratic Republic of the Congo settlement extents are then classified (based on building density) into three classes: built-up areas (BUA), small settlement areas (SSA), and Hamlets (Barau et al., 2014). These three classes of settlement agglomerations are presented below:

Built-up areas (BUAs): A built-up area (BUA) is generally an area of urbanisation with moderately-to-densely-spaced buildings and a visible grid of streets and blocks. BUAs are characterized as polygons that maintain a 100 m2 building density of 13 or more across an area greater than or equal to 0.4 km2.

Small Settlements (SSAs): A small settlement (SSA) is a settled area of permanently inhabited structures and compounds of roughly a few hundred to a few thousand inhabitants. The housing pattern in SSAs is an assemblage of family compounds adjoining other similar habitations. SSAs areas are characterised as polygons containing 50 or more buildings and not a BUA.

Hamlet (HAMLET): A hamlet is a collection of several compounds or sleeping houses in isolation from small settlements or urban areas. Hamlets are characterised as polygons containing between 1 and 49 buildings.

See " Democratic Republic of the Congo GRID3 Settlement Extents Version 01.02.pdf" for more details

Caveats / Comments

CIESIN, Columbia University, and GRID3 follow procedures designed to ensure that data disseminated by the project are of reasonable quality. If, despite these procedures, users encounter apparent errors or misstatements in the data, they should contact GRID3 at

CIESIN, Columbia University, and their sponsors do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any data provided. We provide these data without warranty of any kind whatsoever, either expressed or implied, and shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of any data provided.

See “Democratic Republic of the Congo GRID3 Settlement Extents Version 01.02.pdf" for more details

File Format
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