DTM Ethiopia - SA - Tigray - R8
From 27 July— 4 October 2021, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) deployed its Emergency Site Assessment (ESA) to capture internal displacement related to the Northern Ethiopia Crisis. This multisectoral location assessment assesses the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and collects basic information on the multisectoral needs of IDPs at site level.
By this eighth round, DTM’s 4,061 key informants reported that 2,114,653 IDPs (453,263 households) were displaced across 695 sites in Tigray, Amhara and Afar regions thus far. 1,814,284 IDPs (386,741 households) were reported in Tigray region, 151,040 IDPs (38,740 households) in Amhara region and 149,329 IDPs (27,782 households) in Afar region. While the level of access improved significantly within Tigray region this round, a lack of access and insecurity still posed challenges in the Western and Southern zones in Tigray region, Wag Hamra and North Wello zones in Amhara region, and Zone 4 in Afar region during the time of data collection.