DRC Health Zone and Health Area boundaries

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  • This dataset updates: As needed


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  • RDC_Aires de santé.zipSHP (25.2M)
    Modified: 20 May 2022

    This dataset shows the actual situation of the Health Area in Democratic Republic of Congo and this is the April 2022 update, with data produced by OSM, DSNIS, GRID3-M4H, MSF , DSNIS, WHO and ACF. The frequency of updates is done regularly. The process of compiling of these data was done through the collaboration of all partners working in the mapping for health in collaboration with the MoH.

  • RDC_Zones de santé.zipSHP (11.7M)
    Modified: 20 May 2022

    These data show the final dataset for the moment of the 519 health zones of the Democratic Republic of Congo, each one have its own DHIS2 code. The particularity is constantly in an updated process. This dataset shows the actual situation of the Health Area in Democratic Republic of Congo and this is the April 2022 update, with new health area produced by GRID3-M4H, OSM, DSNIS, MSF , DSNIS, WHO and ACF. The frequency of updates is done regularly. The process of compiling of these data was done through the collaboration of all partners working in the health sector and in mapping sector.

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Source DSNIS
Time Period of the Dataset [?] July 11, 2020-July 11, 2020 ... More
Modified [?] 20 May 2022
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 24 January 2019 Less
Expected Update Frequency As needed
Methodology Sample Survey
Caveats / Comments

Health areas and health zones are used as a unit of measurement by the humanitarian community and government health services in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today the map of health area and health zones and the adjoining structures remains incomplete. This is the essential information for the planning of response activities and the country's health system. In January 2018, CartONG initiated a project named “Data collaborative in DRC to support the SDGs on health in the DRC" and funded by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data This project had been set up and aimed at strengthening the cooperation of governmental and non-governmental actors for the production & updating of health sector data. This includes the mapping of areas & health zones as well as the compilation of data on health centers, areas and health zones, this operation was undertaken under the Referentiel Geographique Commun (RGC) in partnership with different actors including the OpenStreetMap DRC community, the Ministry of Health (DSNIS) and NGOs / UN agencies (including WHO, MSF and OCHA).

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