Democratic Republic of the Congo - Subnational Population Statistics

  • COD
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  • This dataset updates: As needed
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Population Statistics


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Source Health Zone population statistics developed by the DRC IM Working Group
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 2019-September 30, 2024 ... More
Modified [?] 17 December 2024
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 12 September 2019 Less
Expected Update Frequency As needed

2019 and 2020 population estimates were obtained from the “drc_zs_population_2019_2020” spreadsheet available in the “RDC - Statistiques des populations par zones de santé” HDX dataset.

Most administrative level 2 (district) features contain one or more complete zones de santé (health zones), thus enabling summation of the contained zone de santé populations. For instance, the 2019 population for ‘Matadi’ (CD2001) is summed from the populations of zone de santé Matadi (zone de santé code CD2001ZS01) and Nzanza (CD2001ZS02).

However, the following 25 small urban level 2 features are contained in larger level 2 features that are not distinctly represented by a zones de santé. The “cod_admpop_adm2” tab of the population spreadsheet indicates zero populations for those features and the table below identifies the level 2 feature that includes the missing population. (Three level 2 features include the missing population from two features each.)

This situation has no impact on the administrative level 1 (province) tables as every zone de santé lies completely in a level 1 feature.

admin2Name_fr admin2Pcode admin1Name_fr admin1Pcode REMARK Bangu CD2012 Kongo-Central CD20 Population is reflected in CD2011 Inkisi CD2018 Kongo-Central CD20 Population is reflected in CD2017 Mangai CD3208 Kwilu CD32 Population is reflected in CD3206 Dibaya-Lubwe CD3209 Kwilu CD32 Population is reflected in CD3206 Nioki CD3305 Maï-Ndombe CD33 Population is reflected in CD3306 Yangambi CD5106 Tshopo CD51 Population is reflected in CD5105 Dingila CD5210 Bas-Uele CD52 Population is reflected in CD5209 Isiro CD5301 Haut-Uele CD53 Population is reflected in CD5302 Aba CD5306 Haut-Uele CD53 Population is reflected in CD5307 Bunia CD5401 Ituri CD54 Population is reflected in CD5402 Mongwalu CD5404 Ituri CD54 Population is reflected in CD5405 Ariwara CD5410 Ituri CD54 Population is reflected in CD5409 Ingbokolo CD5411 Ituri CD54 Population is reflected in CD5409 Baraka CD6211 Sud-Kivu CD62 Population is reflected in CD6210 Kamituga CD6213 Sud-Kivu CD62 Population is reflected in CD6212 Kalima CD6308 Maniema CD63 Population is reflected in CD6307 Namoya CD6310 Maniema CD63 Population is reflected in CD6309 Kolwezi CD7201 Lualaba CD72 Population is reflected in CD7202 Kasaji CD7204 Lualaba CD72 Population is reflected in CD7205 Kaoze CD7403 Tanganyika CD74 Population is reflected in CD7404 Lukalaba CD8204 Kasaï-Oriental CD82 Population is reflected in CD8202 Bena-Dibele CD8305 Sankuru CD83 Population is reflected in CD8306 Tshumbe CD8311 Sankuru CD83 Population is reflected in CD8306 Tshimbulu CD9103 Kasaï-Central CD91 Population is reflected in CD9102 Tshikapa CD9201 Kasaï CD92 Population is reflected in CD9202

Caveats / Comments
  1. All age and sex disaggregations are based on estimated ratios at the administrative level 1 (province level). The sum of these ratios varies from 100% to a maximum of 1.16%

  2. Totals along administrative feature rows may differ due to rounding and the ratio errors mentioned above. The maximum difference is 0.12%

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