Mozambique - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

This dataset is part of the Mozambique Data Grid
  • COD+
  • 13000+ Downloads
  • This dataset updates: As needed
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
Additional information
Time Period of the Dataset [?]
October 20, 1954-March 31, 2024 ... More
Modified [?]
4 April 2023
Dataset Added on HDX [?]
3 September 2018 Less
Expected Update Frequency
As needed
Mozambique Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE) and partners

Mozambique Administrative Boundaries Level 3 Postos from WFP Geonode / INE (Census 2007), cleaned by UN OCHA ROSEA.

Caveats / Comments

10 JUNE 2019 UPDATE: The administrative level 3 (posto) feature for “Mieze” (formerly MZ0117, in its own “Pemba” district) has been corrected to belong in the “Metuge” district and has been P-coded MZ010902.

25 APRIL 2019 UPDATE: Lines file with administrative level coding added to shapefiles.

April 10, 2019 update:

Shapefile projections changed to WGS94 Underscore ("_") characters in feature names changed to spaces. NO CHANGES MADE TO P-CODES.

Affected resources: gazetteer: moz_admbnda_2019_gazetteer_v4 EMF files: KMZ files: shapefiles: moz_adm_2019_SHP_v3

April 8, 2019 update:

EMF files added KMZ files added COD-AB data sheet added.

The changes do not alter the previous shapefiles.

The administrative level 1 (province) KMZ file was generated from a generalized shapefile (tolerance 0.001 degree) because of the number of vertices. The shapefile resource on this dataset is the original.

April 3, 2019 update: administrative level 4 (settlement) features added for the Maputo City area.

File Format
Export metadata for this dataset: JSON | CSV
[{"value": 23, "date": "2024-08-19"}, {"value": 48, "date": "2024-08-26"}, {"value": 46, "date": "2024-09-02"}, {"value": 63, "date": "2024-09-09"}, {"value": 40, "date": "2024-09-16"}, {"value": 67, "date": "2024-09-23"}, {"value": 42, "date": "2024-09-30"}, {"value": 50, "date": "2024-10-07"}, {"value": 72, "date": "2024-10-14"}, {"value": 46, "date": "2024-10-21"}, {"value": 48, "date": "2024-10-28"}, {"value": 54, "date": "2024-11-04"}, {"value": 66, "date": "2024-11-11"}, {"value": 69, "date": "2024-11-18"}, {"value": 46, "date": "2024-11-25"}, {"value": 44, "date": "2024-12-02"}, {"value": 65, "date": "2024-12-09"}, {"value": 38, "date": "2024-12-16"}, {"value": 11, "date": "2024-12-23"}, {"value": 19, "date": "2024-12-30"}, {"value": 51, "date": "2025-01-06"}, {"value": 47, "date": "2025-01-13"}, {"value": 39, "date": "2025-01-20"}, {"value": 41, "date": "2025-01-27"}, {"value": 41, "date": "2025-02-03"}]


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Data and Resources [4]