Bermuda - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

  • COD
  • 400+ Downloads
  • This dataset updates: Every year
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
Additional information
Time Period of the Dataset [?]
September 21, 2017-February 12, 2025 ... More
Modified [?]
22 May 2019
Confirmed [?]
4 September 2020
Dataset Added on HDX [?]
21 September 2017 Less
Expected Update Frequency
Every year

Downloaded from GADM (

Caveats / Comments

*Administrative level 2 is not generally recognized but enables mapping of and linkage to population statistics for Bermuda's two municipalities, Hamilton and St. George's, which comprise parts of Pembroke and St. George's parishes respectively.

Users are reminded that the City of Hamilton is not within and not associated with Hamilton parish.

File Format
Export metadata for this dataset: JSON | CSV
[{"value": 1, "date": "2024-08-26"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-09-02"}, {"value": 2, "date": "2024-09-09"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-09-16"}, {"value": 6, "date": "2024-09-23"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-09-30"}, {"value": 2, "date": "2024-10-07"}, {"value": 2, "date": "2024-10-14"}, {"value": 4, "date": "2024-10-21"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-10-28"}, {"value": 4, "date": "2024-11-04"}, {"value": 2, "date": "2024-11-11"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-11-18"}, {"date": "2024-11-25", "value": 0}, {"value": 9, "date": "2024-12-02"}, {"value": 4, "date": "2024-12-09"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-12-16"}, {"value": 1, "date": "2024-12-23"}, {"value": 2, "date": "2024-12-30"}, {"value": 8, "date": "2025-01-06"}, {"value": 10, "date": "2025-01-13"}, {"date": "2025-01-20", "value": 0}, {"value": 2, "date": "2025-01-27"}, {"date": "2025-02-03", "value": 0}, {"value": 1, "date": "2025-02-10"}]


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