DTM Burundi Baseline Assessment Round 71
From 1-7 March 2023, the DTM team in Burundi conducted the 71st round of Baseline assessment in 1,353 Collines (Administrative Boundary level 3) and identified 73,586 displaced persons (IDPs) in 16,690 households. . Nearly all displacements were due to natural disasters (89%) and 11% due to other causes.
The total number of displaced persons includes the internally displaced persons (1) and returnees who remain displaced in country (2):
(1) Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): are Burundian nationals who have been forced to flee or forced to leave their home or their usual place of residence, in particular as a result of armed conflict, situations of violence widespread, human rights violations or natural or man-made disasters or to avoid their effects, and which have not crossed the internationally recognized borders of a State. For the purpose of DTM, only IDPs displaced since 2013 or later are considered IDPs.
(2) Returnees who became IDPs: Burundian nationals who had been displaced outside the country and have since returned (spontaneously or assisted) to Burundi but continue being in displacement (because their houses were destroyed or for other reasons)