Amounts paid by refugees and migrants to facilitators to reach Europe

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  • This dataset updates: Never
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Time Period of the Dataset [?]
October 28, 2015-October 28, 2015 ... More
Modified [?]
28 October 2015
Dataset Added on HDX [?]
28 October 2015 Less
Expected Update Frequency
The Migrants' Files
Caveats / Comments

It vastly undercounts the real amount: * Thousands of refugees and migrants come by air with forged documents, at a price ranging from 5000 to 20000 EUR. * The amounts count only FRONTEX-routes and not the routes needed to reach the points of departure for the last leg of the journey (e.g the trip to Tripoli), which costs several hundreds USD. * Data on detection is incomplete in years prior to 2008. * Using the median limits the risk of including high amounts. However, numerous reports of Syrians paying up to 10,000 EUR per person to cross the Med exist. * A person ""detected"" (i.e who reached Europe) can have done the journey several times if he or she was pushed back before. * Over 29,000 have died, even though they paid.

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