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  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 23, 2024-October 31, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 10 February 2025
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 7 January 2025
    This dataset updates: Never
    Private Sector's Involvement ("Who is doing What Where") for Tropical Cyclone Kristine (October 2024)
  • 20+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: November 14, 2024-November 22, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 10 February 2025
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 7 January 2025
    This dataset updates: Never
    Private Sector's Involvement ("Who is doing What Where") for Tropical Cyclone Nika, Ofel, and Pepito (November 2024)
  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: July 24, 2024-August 05, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 February 2025
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 January 2025
    This dataset updates: Never
    Private Sector's Involvement ("Who is doing What Where") for Tropical Cyclone Carina (July 2024)
  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: February 23, 2024-February 23, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 23 February 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 24 February 2024
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNOSAT - Wildfires
    UNOSAT code: FR20240222GNQ This map illustrates the burned areas as observed from Sentinel-2 images acquired on the 3rd and 18th of February 2024, over the Pico Basil Volcano on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Approximately 3 km2 of vegetation appeared to have burned around the Pico Basil Volcano as of February 3rd, 2024, increasing to about 6 km2 by 18th of February 2024. UNOSAT has identified 16 potentially affected structures and potentially affected roads approximately 2 kilometers. This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT).
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 11, 2023-September 23, 2023 ... More
    Modified [?]: 3 January 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 16 December 2023
    This data is by request only
    This data package contains field data collected during anticipatory mapping in Timor Leste. The data collection focused on completing critical infrastructure mapping in the focus areas, collecting information of historic flood events, flood impacts, and early warnings. This data package is available upon request only due to containing household-level information. However, all structural building data has been directly imported into OpenStreetMap and is openly accessible. The project involved several key stages: โ€ข Initial updates and completion of building footprints in OpenStreetMap in focus areas via remote mapping using satellite imagery before commencing field mapping. โ€ข Comprehensive mapping of all critical infrastructure buildings in designated areas, gathering bbuilding attributes like building use, names, etc. โ€ข Collection of specific building features indicating susceptibility to floods or other hazards, such as minimum foundation height and building materials. โ€ข Additionally, qualitative information on buildings' flood history was collected where individuals were present (e.g., 'Has this building been flooded in the past?' โ€ข In the Manatuto area, a subset of residential buildings was mapped alongside all critical infrastructure buildings. Field mapping activities covered the following areas and dates: โ€ข Manatuto: September 11th to 15th, 2023 (1479 critical infrastructure & residential buildings mapped) โ€ข Raimea: September 18th, 2023 (27 critical infrastructure buildings mapped) โ€ข Uma Berloic: September 19th, 2023 (36 critical infrastructure buildings mapped) โ€ข Pante Macassar: September 21st to 22nd, 2023 (218 critical infrastructure buildings mapped) The data package includes the following files: 1_Timor-Leste_AA_mapping_all areas.xlsx: Contains all collected, georeferenced data in raw and cleaned formats, along with a codebook. & 3_TL_AM_Data_joined_OSM_Building_footprint.json: Contain collected data joined to the OSM building footprint, updated via satellite mapping before field activities. 4_TimorLeste_KoboForm_Questions.pdf: Displays the questions and answer options used in the KoboCollect questionnaire for field data collection on historic flood events, impacts, and early warnings. 5_Final_Datamodel_Koboform_TimorLeste_AAmapping.xls: This table contains the data structure of the KoboCollect questionnaire. Importing this file into the KoboCollect toolbox allows to replicate the data collection. 6_OSM_Data_Model.pdf: This table offers an overview of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) data model and tags used for anticipatory mapping in Timor Leste, detailing how geographic objects are tagged with keys (e.g., "building") and values (e.g., โ€œresidentialโ€) to describe their attributes.
  • 40+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2008-December 31, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 20 November 2023
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 17 November 2023
    This dataset updates: Every year
    Incidentes registrados en Guatemala por el Sistema Nacional de Gestiรณn de Riesgos, desde los aรฑos 2008 al 2022, Bajo la plataforma de SISMICEDE, y este a su vez se comparte como parte de los esfuerzos de trasparentar las acciones en Gestiรณn de Riesgo
  • 70+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 15 September 2023
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 5 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: June 03, 2020-October 09, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 2 June 2023
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 18 June 2023
    This dataset updates: Never
    UNHCR conducts Protection Monitoring with partners to analyze trends in the protection environment and situation of refugees in all regions of Lebanon on an ongoing basis. With the outbreak of COVID-19 in Lebanon and the introduction of movement and other restrictions aimed at preventing and containing the spread of the virus, UNHCR and its Protection Monitoring partners Caritas, Intersos and Sheild developed a specific questionnaire to elicit feedback from refugees on the impact of the COVID-19 response on their protection and well-being. The feedback from refugees is used to inform advocacy and programmatic interventions and modes of implementation with the aim of improving refugees' access to protection and essential services, assistance and information.
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 22, 2021-April 01, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 10 May 2022
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 10 May 2022
    This dataset updates: As needed
    This data sets contains a shapefile with the building footprint of Wad Sherifey Refugee Settlement, Kassala, Sudan. Wad Sherifey is a refugee camp located in the East of Sudan along the Mareb River. During the past year refugees fleeing from conflict have arrived and settled in the area, partly within flood prone areas of the Mareb River. Already vulnerable and displaced, now additionally facing the risk of floods. Actors like the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and MFS manage projects in this region, and OSM data sets like this support the expansion of anticipatory action (acting before a disaster happens to those most affected by conflict and climate. The area was selected for OSM mapping through a methodology to identify & prioritize high-risk and unmapped areas within a country for OSM mapping (StoryMap: The data was collected through an HOT OSM task (, which was created in collaboration with MFS and led by the Netherland Red Crossโ€™ Missing Maps Team. The task was completed (mapped & validated) in April 2022. The satellite imagery used for the mapping was from late August 2021 and provided by MFS.
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 80+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 70+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 60+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 60+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 60+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 60+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 60+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 60+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 50+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 70+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see
  • 70+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 05, 2020-May 05, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
    This data was developed as part of the Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project and is a Level 1, or a global-quality exposure data set. Minimal country-specific data was collected. The data is intended for CAT modeling and loss estimation. Repurposing this data for any reason other than assessing risk is not recommended. The data presents the estimated number of buildings, building area, and rebuilding value at a 15-arcsecond grid resolution (approximately 500 meters at the equator). This data set is in point shapefile format where the points represent the centroids of the 15-arcsecond grid. The results were created through a process of spreading the number of buildings to the 15-arcsecond level by a statistical assessment of moderate resolution EO data, which is described in more detail in the dasymetric mapping lineage processing step. The estimated building count at any given area is a result of statistical processes and should not be mistaken as a building count. The structural classes of buildings used for risk assessment are estimated given the building wall, floor, and roof material classes surveyed through 2002 Population and Housing Census - Volume 1. Analytical report. Additionally, the data is provided in Open Exposure Data (OED) import format, as a pair of CSV files. One CSV file contains the location details, and the other is an "account" file that is filled with default information to satisfy OED format requirements. The OED input files are set to use "All perils" (i.e. "AA1"). All required OED account-related fields are populated with "1" by default (such as PortNumber, AccNumber, PolNumber). If you find this data useful please provide feedback via our questionnaire; it should take only a few minutes: Please see the METEOR project page for information about the METEOR Project: Please see the METEOR map portal for interactive maps: For more information about the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard, please see