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Data series
ACLED - Conflict Events
Atlas AI - Turkey and Syria built up areas
CLEAR Global - Languages
COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
COD - Subnational Population Statistics
Crosscut - Settlement Catchment Areas
Data for Children Collaborative - Travel Time to Nearest Health Centre
Data for Good at Meta - High Resolution Population Density Maps and Demographic Estimates
ETH Zürich - Weather and Climate Risks
FAO - Food Prices
FAO - Food Security Indicators
FEWS NET - Cross Border Trade Data
FEWS NET - Current Situation Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Data
FEWS NET - Current Situation Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data
FEWS NET - Current Situation IPC Classification Shapefile Data for 2011-2020
FEWS NET - Medium Term Projection Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Data
FEWS NET - Medium Term Projection IPC Classification Shapefile Data for 2011-2020
FEWS NET - Most Likely Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data
FEWS NET - Most Likely in 6 months Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data
FEWS NET - Near Term Projection Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Data
FEWS NET - Near Term Projection IPC Classification Shapefile Data for 2011 - 2020
FEWS NET - Staple Food Price Data
Fields Data - Operational Presence
GRID3 - Gridded Population Estimated
GRID3 - Settlement Extents
Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
Global Healthsites Mapping Project - Healthsites
Global health - Reported COVID-19 Cases
Globhe Drones - Post Tropical Storm Chalane Mapping
HDX - COVID-19 Subnational Cases
HDX - Disaster Inventory
HDX HAPI - Data by Country
HERA - Africa - Covid-19
HOTOSM - Airports
HOTOSM - Buildings
HOTOSM - Education Facilities
HOTOSM - Financial Services
HOTOSM - Health Facilities
HOTOSM - Points of Interest
HOTOSM - Railways
HOTOSM - Roads
HOTOSM - Sea Ports
HOTOSM - Waterways
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology - Road Surface Data
Hera - Subnational Covid Cases
Hub Latin America - Crime in Latin America
Hub Latin America - Environment and Waste in Ecuador
Hub Latin America - Tourism and Migrations
Hub Latin America - Violence in Latin America
Humanitarian Needs Overview
Humanitarian Outcomes - Aid Worker Security
IATI - Current IATI aid activities
IDMC - Internal Displacement Updates
IDMC - Internally displaced persons
IFRC - Appeals
IGAD - Dekadal Combined Drought Indicators
IOM - DTM Baseline Assessment
IOM - DTM Event and Flow Tracking
IOM - DTM Site and Location Assessment
IPC - Acute Food Insecurity Classification
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab - Projected COVID-19 subnational cases
Kontur - Administrative Division with Aggregated Population
Kontur - Population Density for 400m H3 Hexagons
MIMU - Myanmar Village Points and Boundaries
Myanmar Information Management Unit - MIMU - Boundaries
OCHA - Global Humanitarian Overview by Year
OCHA - Subnational Edge-matched Administrative Boundaries
OCHA Afghanistan - Afghanistan - Humanitarian Access Incidents 2023
OCHA Afghanistan - Conflict Induced Displacements 2016-2022
OCHA Afghanistan - Natural Disaster Incidents
OCHA Afghanistan - Who does What Where
OCHA FTS - Humanitarian Response Plan Projects
OCHA FTS - Requirements and Funding Data
OCHA Latin America and the Caribbean- Operational Presence 3W
OCHA Nigeria - 3W
OCHA Sudan - ICA Sudan
OCHA Türkiye - Syria IDP flow data
OSM - DRC Health Zones
Our Airports - Airports
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative - Global Multidimensional Poverty Index
Pacific Community - Population Grids
Pacific Community - Costal Proximity of Populations
Populated Places - Settlements
The DHS Program - Subnational Health and Demographic Data
UCDP - Data on Conflict Events
UN Peace and Security Data Hub - Peace and Security Data
UNDP Human Development Reports Office - Human Development Indicators
UNESCO - Education Indicators
UNHABIT - Urban indicators
UNHCR - Syrian Arab Republic Cash Interventions
UNHCR - Afghanistan - Voluntary Repatriation
UNHCR - Afghanistan Bordering Monitoring
UNHCR - Bangladesh - Joint Protection Monitoring
UNHCR - Cash-Based Interventions Post-Distribution Monitoring
UNHCR - Central African Republic - Protection Incidents Monitoring
UNHCR - Data on forcibly displaced populations and stateless persons
UNHCR - Energy Monitoring Framework Survey
UNHCR - High Frequency Survey
UNHCR - Intention to return survey
UNHCR - Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment
UNHCR - Jordan - Post Distribution Monitoring
UNHCR - Jordan Home Visits Survey
UNHCR - Kenya - Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees
UNHCR - Lebanon - Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households
UNHCR - Lebanon - Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees
UNHCR - Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey
UNHCR - Multi-Sector Needs Assessment
UNHCR - Peru Flow Monintoring
UNHCR - Post Distribution Monitoring of Non-Food Items
UNHCR - Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention
UNHCR - Protection Monitoring
UNHCR - Results Monitoring Survey
UNHCR - Socioeconomic assessment of Refugees
UNHCR - Sudan - Durable Solutions Analysis Survey
UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency High Frequency Surveys
UNHCR - UNHCR Global Trends - Forced Displacement
UNHCR - Uganda Wash Surveys
UNHCR - WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey
UNICEF - Education Indicators
UNICEF - Health, Nutrition and Sanitation Indicators
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Birth and Children mortality
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Child Health and Diarrhoea
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Child Health and Vaccines
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Children and Pregnancy
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Global sanitation standards
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Nutrition
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Population statistics
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Schooling attendance and completion rates
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Sexual Behaviour and HIV
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Societal support for families and childcare
UNOSAT - Gaza Strip Escalation of Hostilities
UNOSAT - Wildfires
US Census Bureau - Subnational Population and Housing Data Tables
WFP - Flood Risk
WFP - Food Prices
WFP - Food Security Indicators
WFP - Integrated Context Analysis ICA
WFP - Landslide Risk
WFP - NDVI at Subnational Level
WFP - Rainfall Indicators at Subnational Level
WFP Advanced Disaster Analysis and Mapping - Cyclone Data
WHO - WHO Health Indicators
WOF - Administrative Subdivisions and Human Settlements
Water Point Data Exchange - Country Data
World Bank - Agriculture and Rural Development
World Bank - Aid Effectiveness
World Bank - Climate Change
World Bank - Development
World Bank - Economic Social Environmental Health Education Development and Energy
World Bank - Economic and Social development
World Bank - Education
World Bank - Energy and Mining
World Bank - Environment
World Bank - Gender
World Bank - Health
World Bank - Infrastructure
World Bank - Millenium development goals
World Bank - Poverty
World Bank - Social Protection and Labor
World Bank - Trade
geoBoundaries - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
ACLED - Conflict Events
Atlas AI - Turkey and Syria built up areas
CLEAR Global - Languages
COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
COD - Subnational Population Statistics
Crosscut - Settlement Catchment Areas
Data for Children Collaborative - Travel Time to Nearest Health Centre
Data for Good at Meta - High Resolution Population Density Maps and Demographic Estimates
ETH Zürich - Weather and Climate Risks
FAO - Food Prices
FAO - Food Security Indicators
FEWS NET - Cross Border Trade Data
FEWS NET - Current Situation Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Data
FEWS NET - Current Situation Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data
FEWS NET - Current Situation IPC Classification Shapefile Data for 2011-2020
FEWS NET - Medium Term Projection Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Data
FEWS NET - Medium Term Projection IPC Classification Shapefile Data for 2011-2020
FEWS NET - Most Likely Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data
FEWS NET - Most Likely in 6 months Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data
FEWS NET - Near Term Projection Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Data
FEWS NET - Near Term Projection IPC Classification Shapefile Data for 2011 - 2020
FEWS NET - Staple Food Price Data
Fields Data - Operational Presence
GRID3 - Gridded Population Estimated
GRID3 - Settlement Extents
Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Level 1 Exposure Data
Global Healthsites Mapping Project - Healthsites
Global health - Reported COVID-19 Cases
Globhe Drones - Post Tropical Storm Chalane Mapping
HDX - COVID-19 Subnational Cases
HDX - Disaster Inventory
HDX HAPI - Data by Country
HERA - Africa - Covid-19
HOTOSM - Airports
HOTOSM - Buildings
HOTOSM - Education Facilities
HOTOSM - Financial Services
HOTOSM - Health Facilities
HOTOSM - Points of Interest
HOTOSM - Railways
HOTOSM - Roads
HOTOSM - Sea Ports
HOTOSM - Waterways
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology - Road Surface Data
Hera - Subnational Covid Cases
Hub Latin America - Crime in Latin America
Hub Latin America - Environment and Waste in Ecuador
Hub Latin America - Tourism and Migrations
Hub Latin America - Violence in Latin America
Humanitarian Needs Overview
Humanitarian Outcomes - Aid Worker Security
IATI - Current IATI aid activities
IDMC - Internal Displacement Updates
IDMC - Internally displaced persons
IFRC - Appeals
IGAD - Dekadal Combined Drought Indicators
IOM - DTM Baseline Assessment
IOM - DTM Event and Flow Tracking
IOM - DTM Site and Location Assessment
IPC - Acute Food Insecurity Classification
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab - Projected COVID-19 subnational cases
Kontur - Administrative Division with Aggregated Population
Kontur - Population Density for 400m H3 Hexagons
MIMU - Myanmar Village Points and Boundaries
Myanmar Information Management Unit - MIMU - Boundaries
OCHA - Global Humanitarian Overview by Year
OCHA - Subnational Edge-matched Administrative Boundaries
OCHA Afghanistan - Afghanistan - Humanitarian Access Incidents 2023
OCHA Afghanistan - Conflict Induced Displacements 2016-2022
OCHA Afghanistan - Natural Disaster Incidents
OCHA Afghanistan - Who does What Where
OCHA FTS - Humanitarian Response Plan Projects
OCHA FTS - Requirements and Funding Data
OCHA Latin America and the Caribbean- Operational Presence 3W
OCHA Nigeria - 3W
OCHA Sudan - ICA Sudan
OCHA Türkiye - Syria IDP flow data
OSM - DRC Health Zones
Our Airports - Airports
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative - Global Multidimensional Poverty Index
Pacific Community - Population Grids
Pacific Community - Costal Proximity of Populations
Populated Places - Settlements
The DHS Program - Subnational Health and Demographic Data
UCDP - Data on Conflict Events
UN Peace and Security Data Hub - Peace and Security Data
UNDP Human Development Reports Office - Human Development Indicators
UNESCO - Education Indicators
UNHABIT - Urban indicators
UNHCR - Syrian Arab Republic Cash Interventions
UNHCR - Afghanistan - Voluntary Repatriation
UNHCR - Afghanistan Bordering Monitoring
UNHCR - Bangladesh - Joint Protection Monitoring
UNHCR - Cash-Based Interventions Post-Distribution Monitoring
UNHCR - Central African Republic - Protection Incidents Monitoring
UNHCR - Data on forcibly displaced populations and stateless persons
UNHCR - Energy Monitoring Framework Survey
UNHCR - High Frequency Survey
UNHCR - Intention to return survey
UNHCR - Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment
UNHCR - Jordan - Post Distribution Monitoring
UNHCR - Jordan Home Visits Survey
UNHCR - Kenya - Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees
UNHCR - Lebanon - Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households
UNHCR - Lebanon - Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees
UNHCR - Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey
UNHCR - Multi-Sector Needs Assessment
UNHCR - Peru Flow Monintoring
UNHCR - Post Distribution Monitoring of Non-Food Items
UNHCR - Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention
UNHCR - Protection Monitoring
UNHCR - Results Monitoring Survey
UNHCR - Socioeconomic assessment of Refugees
UNHCR - Sudan - Durable Solutions Analysis Survey
UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency High Frequency Surveys
UNHCR - UNHCR Global Trends - Forced Displacement
UNHCR - Uganda Wash Surveys
UNHCR - WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey
UNICEF - Education Indicators
UNICEF - Health, Nutrition and Sanitation Indicators
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Birth and Children mortality
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Child Health and Diarrhoea
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Child Health and Vaccines
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Children and Pregnancy
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Global sanitation standards
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Nutrition
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Population statistics
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Schooling attendance and completion rates
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Sexual Behaviour and HIV
UNICEF Data and Analytics HQ - Societal support for families and childcare
UNOSAT - Gaza Strip Escalation of Hostilities
UNOSAT - Wildfires
US Census Bureau - Subnational Population and Housing Data Tables
WFP - Flood Risk
WFP - Food Prices
WFP - Food Security Indicators
WFP - Integrated Context Analysis ICA
WFP - Landslide Risk
WFP - NDVI at Subnational Level
WFP - Rainfall Indicators at Subnational Level
WFP Advanced Disaster Analysis and Mapping - Cyclone Data
WHO - WHO Health Indicators
WOF - Administrative Subdivisions and Human Settlements
Water Point Data Exchange - Country Data
World Bank - Agriculture and Rural Development
World Bank - Aid Effectiveness
World Bank - Climate Change
World Bank - Development
World Bank - Economic Social Environmental Health Education Development and Energy
World Bank - Economic and Social development
World Bank - Education
World Bank - Energy and Mining
World Bank - Environment
World Bank - Gender
World Bank - Health
World Bank - Infrastructure
World Bank - Millenium development goals
World Bank - Poverty
World Bank - Social Protection and Labor
World Bank - Trade
geoBoundaries - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
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